The displaced in northern Syria are trying to adapt in the camps amid difficult conditions and challenges, the most important of which is the lack of water supply.
Within the framework of a project launched since 4-1-2022 to supply the water stations in the city of “Ariha” with solar energy systems, the WATAN teams are trying to alleviate the suffering of these isolated communities.
In cooperation with “space of peace”, WATAN seeks to work to secure clean and sterilized water suitable for drinking in safe and effective ways. And to move away from supplying drinking water through tankers or diesel generators inside the camps because of the high prices of fuel and generator spare parts.
The delivery of clean water through alternative energy is a critical step to progress and alleviate the difficulties experienced by these beneficiary groups. Where this technology has a low operating cost compared to diesel or general electricity generators and its ease of access to all beneficiaries quickly and with high quality.
The project focused on feeding two water pumping stations with two solar energy systems, namely the Omran station with a capacity of (HP250) and the eastern station with a capacity of (HP125). The process of installing the new solar systems went through the following stages:
- Installing hybrid solar energy systems.
- Train and rehabilitate a technical staff well and raise the level of workers in order to follow up the system and deal with it well.
- Follow-up of the systems after the final operation.
The project was also not limited to securing clean water in these two stations, but also provided job opportunities in these stations for the unemployed residents of the camp and qualified them to continue guarding and operating the system.
The project began after carrying out an evaluation process for the areas that were targeted by the project and found their need for the project due to the large population overcrowding and the difficulty of obtaining potable water.
The catalyst is the availability of sufficient space for installing solar panels for the systems, as well as the presence of pumps ready to be fed with solar energy.
After the final evaluation, our field team took these steps:
After the design and study phase, the organization began work by handing over the contractor the work sites and informing him of all implementation plans and submitting samples to be examined and ensured that they conformed to the technical conditions in his technical offer.
Then, the sounds of excavators and machines rose to relieve the pain of the displaced, as plate holders were placed, rock blocks were removed, and the excavation products were transferred after the prototypes specified by the supervision team. He also manufactured iron mounts for power panels and their coating.
It is expected that the number of beneficiaries will reach 35,000, of whom 28,000 are indigenous people and 7,000 are displaced.
Through this project, we hope to provide clean and sterilized water at almost zero financial cost in order to resist the specter of living and ensure the speed of access and high quality of water, which will spare these families and their children the need to transport water through tankers in the future, which was increasing their suffering, especially in mountainous areas.
It is also no secret that these systems are clean, renewable, environmentally friendly energy that do not lead to air or water pollution, as in diesel generators, and do not drain money in their operation and maintenance.