Salqin region lacks specialized health care services. However, there is a large demand for orthopaedic surgery and difficult cases due to injuries because of the conflict. Thus, work has been done to operate Al-Amal Hospital for specialized orthopaedic surgery. The hospital is located between the two cities of Salqin and Harem and provides its medical services in cooperation with the SCHF organization. The hospital consists of:
- Department of surgical operations: (minor and major surgeries), in addition to fractures, upper and lower extremities, knee and hip joint replacement, knee and ankle arthroscopy.
- 24 hours ambulance.
- An orthopaedic clinic on a daily basis, except for Friday.
- A 24-hour patient stay suite.
- Pharmacy throughout the week, except for Friday.
- The medical analysis laboratory is open 24/7
- Radiology department.
The hospital support project is now in its second quarter, and cold operations have been stopped – according to a circular from the Idlib Health Directorate – and emergency operations are maintained. Additionally, there has been a reduction of consultations to 30 per day, due to the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in the Salqin area.
Here are the most important works he did until the end of last September:
- 187 minor operations
- 597 major operations, including 101 regular & 67 emergency operations
- 7,803 medical consultations, including: “Clinic and Bandage”