Capacity Building program for 250 people. – WATAN

Capacity Building program for 250 people.

WATAN launched the capacity building program for the educational staff of the Schools of Atma Camp, which targeted more than 250 male and female trainees from teachers, supervisors, and administrative staff. The training covered many key points, including: cooperative education, active learning, challenges of education, life skills for children, fun to learn, active administration, in addition to capacity building for schools’ principals.

The training was concluded with training on conducting research, and reporting using Power BI. The training spanned three days, starting on the 30th of March to the 1st of April with 24 training hours and targeting more than 11 male and female trainees from many local and international NGOs.

The training was conducted in Antakya, Turkey by the trainer Wael Ubaied, who focused on presenting and analyzing data professionally, and training participants on reporting professionally. In addition to GIS and training them on sharing these reports easily with any local and international NGOs.