The WASH program in WATAN Foundation is dedicated to providing free drinkable water in the long term, in addition to other life needs in order to maintain a healthy life, reduce the transmission of water-borne diseases, and help reduce the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic. All that by adopting innovative and sustainable methods.
WATAN Foundation, through the WASH program, is paying great attention to the importance of improving public hygiene and the environment. This is done through the implementation of function sanitation projects and related activities such as desludging and solid waste management and many other sessions and hygiene distribution campaigns.
Provide lifesaving WASH emergency assistance through sustainable camps water and sanitation infrastructure improvements and enhance community’s hygienic capacity to support IDPs sites. Moreover, WASH Program working in camps, and communities in cooperation with local authorities, camp managements. This cooperation gives the organization a deep understanding of needs, high accountability and quality.
Hygiene kits need is covered under the WASH Project in many camps and communities. Additionally, dignity kits and incentives are distributed during the hygiene promotion sessions and menstrual hygiene promotion sessions. Rehabilitation of water stations with using renewable energy. Water stations connect a community, or several camps.
Beneficiaries` awareness of personal hygiene, COVID-19, Cholera, menstrual hygiene management etc. are increasing. Addition to awareness sessions, hygiene club activities have huge effect to access of clean environment, learning and teaching each other environmental rules to keep camps clean.
The sustainability of infrastructure Interventions through, provide intelligent interventions to ensure sustainable access to water and sanitation facilities processed through improved resource management.
General Hygiene and friendly environment, by cooperating with local authorities in the effective management of solid waste and the distribution of hygiene kits to maintain hygiene in families, communities, and schools.
Personal hygiene is a priority, which was succeeded with Addressing the covid 19 epidemic and highlighting the best lifestyle and measures, with innovative ideas to maintain effective awareness sessions.
WATAN has started the WASH works in November 2013, providing humanitarian assistance to IDPs and displaced families.
The WASH program also rehabilitates water stations in Aleppo and Idleb. WATAN has achieved the following:

1. Restoring sustained access to lifesaving water supplies for underserved communities in rural Hasaka
Receiving the 12 generators and connecting them to the electrical panels. Water flow test from Boreholes to the water systems and providing water after chlorination and testing it. Operation and maintenance for the water system and supporting to local authorities during maintenance water system and tariff system. Repairing the 3 sewage systems (excavation, replacing sewers, earthmoving). Test the functionality of the sewage system. Project period was 11 months. The project started on 2015 ended on 2016. The project reached 200,430 individuals.
2. WASH Support for Recent Displacement
Installation of bladders at 5 collective centers or camps. Water trucking to 7 collective centers or camps. Construction of 50 latrines. Distribution of 5000 Hygiene kits and 10000 packs of water purification tablets 4000 Baby kits and 4000 tarps to beneficiary households. Project period was 9 months. The project reached 25,000 individuals.

1. WASH Support to Conflict Affected Communities in south Syria
Installation of 2 (6 cubic meter) bulk water storage tanks – in conjunction with water trucking. Providing clean water via water trucking to 4 collective shelters. Distribution of Sodium Hypochlorite to 210 wells. Construction of 300 emergency gender-segregated latrines with cleaning kits. Construction/rehabilitation of WASH facilities in schools. Dislodging of 100 septic tanks in addition to solid waste removal. Hygiene promotion sessions with supporting community mobilizers. Rehabilitation of 4 water schemes 2 of these will be rehabilitated using solar systems. The project reached 11,753 individuals.
2. Prepositioning for Aleppo new arrived IDPs
Distribution of 9,000 hygiene kits in addition to distribution of 200 water storage tanks. The project implemented as emergency response for 3 months period. The project reached 56,500 individuals.
3. Enhancing resilience of conflict-affected communities in Syria while providing immediate life-saving assistance to IDPs and increasing aid effectiveness through improved humanitarian coordination and information management
Rehabilitation of seven water supply networks. Capacity building of the Local Councils about water management unit and support operation and maintenance of water stations. Providing clean water to Idleb in four camps. Installation of sanitation facilities (installation of latrine blocks) and maintenance of the sanitation facilities in the camps in Qah and Kharbat Al Joz. Rehabilitation of 11 sewage systems in the communities, and safe disposal and collection of waste in camps. Hygiene promotion sessions in addition to hygiene kit distribution. Project period was 10 months. The project reached 377,485 individuals.
4. Eliminating sources of leishmaniasis and water borne diseases in debris and rehabilitating/ setting up adequate and healthy sewage system.
Community sewage infrastructure repaired or rehabilitated. Debris removal and clean of four buildings and all human and animal bodies underneath. Repairs of the sewer network and septic tank installation. Sanitation infrastructure (sewage systems). Project period was 10 months. The project reached 155,500 individuals.

1- Food Security & Livelihood Project
Installation of 19 solar panels, rehabilitation of 19 irrigation wells, and rehabilitation of additional 11 irrigation wells. The project implemented for 10 months and total reached BNFs are 388.
2- Distribution of Sodium Hypochlorite to 170 wells
Collapsible water tank installation with capacity of 5000l. Water disinfectant with sodium hypochlorite and bacteriological H2S field test kit. Distribution of family hygiene kits. The project period was 5 months. The project reached 693,130 BNF individuals.
3- Support WASH infrastructure for 15 water stations and 32 health centers in rural Aleppo and Idleb
Rehabilitation of water stations with supporting operation and maintenance activities and establish cost recovery system. Rehabilitation of WASH facilities in 32 health centers and setting up 3 central incinerators. The project period was 1 year. Under these project WATAN reached 292,500 BNF individuals.
4- Syria Joint Response SJR4 – Developing resilience of households and communities affected by conflict in northern, central, and southern Syria.
Rehabilitation of water station, WASH facilities in the educational center, in addition to hygiene kit distribution and hygiene promotion campaign. The project period was 10 months. Targeted BNF Number is 41,374 individuals in Ariha.
5- Provision of lifesaving WASH services to affected IDPs in Sayda Al Jolan and Ma’alaga camps in Qunetira
Installation of water tanks and providing safe and clean water by water trucking on daily basis for one month. Access to WASH NFIs and hygiene improved and gender appropriate sanitation. Distribution of hygiene kits and installation of latrines. The project period was just 1 month as emergency response in camps. Targeted BNF Number is 7,869 individuals.

1- Solar Electrification for the Health Infrastructure
Rehabilitation, Requirements for Electrical Rooms, and PV systems installation and operation and maintenance capacity building. Project period was 6 months. The project reached 4,845,346 individuals.
2- Emergency response for the camps in Idleb
Water systems rehabilitation, and construction of normal latrines and PwDs latrines. Desludging activities in addition to sanitation infrastructure in the camp. It is amended to 3 months as emergency response.

1- Low-cost Modular Battery Arrays for Stable and Renewable Energy for Health Services
Research to prepare two prototypes with different capacity for health centers, develop the first design of the first module, manufacturing the first module of prototype, installation of the manufactured UPS systems, operation and maintenance, promote the UPS systems in specialized fairs. Project period was 1 Years 6 months. The project reached 280,750 individuals.
2- Improved access to water, sanitation, and hygiene for the most vulnerable people in Idleb and Aleppo governorates
Water systems rehabilitation, sanitation systems repair and support to services, water trucking activities, support the solid waste management in communities, distribution of safe drinking water to most vulnerable people in camps, deliver essential hygiene items and hygiene promotion to most vulnerable people in camps. It is amended to 10 months. Under these project WATAN reached 27,392 individuals.
3- Improved access to water for most vulnerable people in Idleb (Bhora)
Restoration of water system, maintenance of existing water network and high tank located in water pump station, support the operation and maintenance of water system. Total beneficiaries’ number of 5,000 individuals.
4- Support WASH services to the most vulnerable people in camps
Desludging of septic tanks, chlorination of water (per truck), distribution of safe water via water trucks, distribution of hygiene kits, hygiene promotion sessions, construction of latrines. The project period was 7 months. 38,409 IDPs benefit from the service.
5- Emergency response for the camps in Idleb
Solid waste management, distribution of garbage containers, clean water distribution via trucking including chlorination, FRC testing before water distribution, desludging, hygiene kits distribution, construction of latrines. The project period was 6 months. The project reached 30,141 individuals IDPs and host communities in camps.
6- Afrin Cold Room & warehouse establishment
Supporting full function operation for Afrin cold room with Rehabilitation, Requirements for Electrical Rooms, and PV systems installation. Strengthening EPI solar and refrigeration Technicians’ capacity and competency to maintain a consistently high standard of cold chain management.
7- Emergency Response in Al-Hasaka
The project was emergency response with 3 months duration. The project reached 13,177 BNF during this period in Al-Hasaka.

1- Improved access to water for most vulnerable people in Idleb and Aleppo governorates
The project main activity was providing safe water to drink as emergency response for 1 month. 3,612 water trucks distributed clean water (after the water quality test) daily bases during the implementation month. Under these project WATAN reached 26,761 BNF individuals.
2- Rehabilitation of WASH infrastructure to ensure IDPs, returnees, and host communities have access to water and sanitation services in northwest Syria.
Project main activities were water quality monitoring (FRC Test), water trucking, desludging latrines septic tanks, solid waste removal, support to O&M activities, hygiene kits distribution. The project period was 10 months. Under these project WATAN reached 57,933 BNF individuals.
3- WASH Emergency Response and Infrastructure Enhancements in the Campsites of NW-Syria
Providing clean water to IDPs` via water trucking to IDPs’ camps, water tanks installation if the water tanks not enough to meet standards. Solid waste removal, distributing of garbage containers according to camps` needs. Desludging latrines septic tanks. Constructing and rehabilitation of the latrines, constructing sewage lines in addition to hygiene kits distribution and hygiene promotion. And also, latrines cleaning activity daily bases. The project period was 11 months. Under these project WATAN reached 50,172 BNF individuals.

1- WASH Emergency Response and Infrastructure Enhancements in the Campsites of NW-Syria
The main activities were clean water distribution via water trucking, solid waste removal, disposing sludging, latrine cleaning daily bases. Distribution of hygiene kits, cleaning tools, washing powder, AAP Printed Material, garbage container, in addition to providing and installing water tank. In addition to construction of new normal and PwD latrines, road`s gravelling in 13 camps and sewage line construction in 5 camps with septic tanks in 3 camps. Hygiene promotion sessions to increase awareness of personal, environmental, and menstrual hygiene. The project implemented for 1 year and total reached BNFs are 48,142.
2- Provide lifesaving WASH and SNFI assistance through camps infrastructure improvements and increase community capacity to support IDPs sites.
Rehabilitation of water systems with Solar PV system Provision and installation. Setting up cost recovery system with support the O&M activities in Kafr Deryan. Repair of Sanitation systems with supporting O&M in all covered camps. Water trucking activities in addition to installation of water storage tanks with a capacity of 1000L where has needed camps to meet water needs standard. Support desludging activities in camps with construction and installation of latrines blocks and PWD latrines including maintenance of the existing latrines. Support the solid waste management activities in camps. Basic hygiene items distributed in addition to hygiene promotion session to increase awareness of personal hygiene. Final activity was road gravelling. The project period was 10 months. Under these project WATAN reached 68,319 BNF individuals.
3- Improve access to WASH infrastructure for the IDPs and ensuring the delivery of life-saving services in camps in Idleb governorate.
Rehabilitation of water systems with using renewable energy which is Solar PV system Provision and installation additionally supporting O&M. Repair of Sanitation systems, water trucking activities, desludging activities, solid waste removal activities, and distribution of hygiene kits. The project period was 8 months. Under these project WATAN reached 45,382 BNF individuals.
4- Provision of WASH services in Ariha Sub-district (ongoing)
Rehabilitation of water systems with using renewable energy which is Solar PV system. Some of following activities done for a successful implementation. Solar power feeding system, equipment of well, pumping room & collection tank, electrical equipment, pumping line system. The project was started at 1/Feb/2022, ended at 30/Nov/2022. The project period was 10 months. Targeted BNF Number is 56,476 individuals in Ariha.
5- WASH Emergency Response and hygiene enhancement in the Campsites of NW-Syria (ongoing)
The main activities were clean water distribution via water trucking, solid waste removal, disposing sludging, latrine cleaning daily bases. Distribution of hygiene kits, cleaning tools, washing powder, AAP Printed Material, garbage container, in addition to providing and installing water tank. Hygiene promotion sessions, personal, menstrual, etc. and hygiene club activities. The project started at 1/Mar/2022, ended at 31/Dec/2022. The project period was 10 months. Targeted BNF Number is 46,065 individuals in IDLIB and Aleppo.
WATAN’s water, sanitation, and hygiene program has a rapid response network and when emergencies or displacement occurs, actions are taken within 48-72 hours. There are three main steps that WATAN makes:
- Preparation of rapid needs assessment.
- Coordination with partners and WASH cluster.
- A suitable response.
WATAN knows that capacity building is critical to develop our project in all these steps and complete them successfully. WATAN is creating and following capacity building activities such as giving training to field teams, technical trainings, hygiene promotion session. Capacity building develops the knowledge transfer, behavior change, and implementation by the target audience. As an ultimate result of capacity building, people have and use safely managed water and sanitation.
- The sustainability of infrastructure Interventions:
Provide intelligent interventions to ensure sustainable access to water and sanitation facilities processed through improved resource management.
- General Hygiene and friendly environment:
Cooperate with local authorities in the effective management of solid waste and the distribution of hygiene kits to maintain hygiene in families, communities, and schools.
- Personal hygiene is a priority.
Addressing the covid 19 in addition to Cholera recently epidemic and highlighting the best lifestyle and measures, with innovative ideas to maintain effective awareness sessions.
WASH Program Differentiators
- Deep understanding for the context,
- Huge access in the affected area,
- Technical expertise,
- Bringing innovative locally sourced solutions,
- Integrated and coordinated response.
WATAN is also working on long-term projects with sustainable results, such as hybrid and Solar PV systems, sewerage systems and solid waste management projects, including the rehabilitation of landfills. The aim is to create a healthy and clean environment in order to reduce the risks of water-related diseases and other harsh conditions. WATAN’s strategy aims to create sustainable long-term outcomes in order to reach more beneficiaries. Empowerment of Society has an important role in the WATAN perspective. WATAN knows that strong societies bring strong futures. Therefore, we are hiring IDPs or Host Community members for our field team in WASH Projects. Access to clean water and having wash facilities is highly effective to physical and mental well-being. As a result of the Syrian crisis, many water, sanitation and hygiene facilities were destroyed, not to mention the prevention of COVID-19 pandemic through regular hygiene sessions and hygiene kits distribution. WATAN has a deep understanding of the context, with sustainable and innovative solutions applied by its specialized staff who have a strong coordination with local authorities and partners, in addition to provide tariff collecting for the technicians in water stations. Tariff Collecting is a useful method to control the amount of WASH cost for each Household. And tariff can be used to achieve full cost recovery provided that care is taken in setting the charge levels for the tariffs.
- Implementation of sustainable infrastructure projects on a large scale.
- Advocate for emergency preparedness among cluster members as an emergent need to emergency response
- Mapping the available resources among the cluster to meet the emergent need of the affected people.
- Integrate renewable energy in infrastructure projects.
- Advocate for using renewable energy solutions as part of cost efficiency.
- WASH Emergency Response and Infrastructure Enhancements in the Campsites of NW-Syria – IOM
- Provide lifesaving WASH and SNFI assistance through camps infrastructure improvements and increase community capacity to support IDPs sites – SCHF.
- Improve access to WASH infrastructure for the IDPs and ensuring the delivery of life-saving services in camps in Idleb governorate – SCHF.
- Envelope 1 – Provision of WASH services in Ariha Sub-district- SCHF
- WASH Emergency Response and hygiene enhancement in the Campsites of NW-Syria – IOM
- Rehabilitation of WASH infrastructure to ensure IDPs, returnees, and host communities have access to water and sanitation services in northwest Syria – SCHF
- Improved access to water for most vulnerable people in Idleb and Aleppo governorates – UK Funding
- WASH Emergency Response and Infrastructure Enhancements in the Campsites of NW-Syria (IOM-3) – IOM
- Low-cost Modular Battery Arrays for Stable and Renewable Energy for Health Services – Grand Challenge Canada
- Improved access to water, sanitation, and hygiene for the most vulnerable people in Idleb and Aleppo governorates – UNICEF & CSO
- Improved access to water for most vulnerable people in Idleb (Bhora) – UK Funding
- Afrin Cold Room & warehouse establishment – UNICEF
- (Emergency Response in Al-Hasaka) – UNICEF
- Emergency response for the camps in Idleb – IOM
- Support WASH services to the most vulnerable people in camp – UNOCHA
- Solar Electrification for the Health Infrastructure – UNICEF
- Emergency response for the camps in Idleb – IOM
- Food Security & Livelihood Project – CARE International
- Distribution of Sodium Hypochlorite to 170 wells – UNICEF
- Support WASH infrastructure for 15 water stations and 32 health centers in rural Aleppo and Idleb – QATAR Charity
- Syria Joint Response SJR4 – Developing resilience of households and communities affected by conflict in northern, central and southern Syria – CARE International
- Provision of lifesaving WASH services to affected IDPs in Sayda Al Jolan and Ma’alaga camps in Qunetira – UNICEF
- WASH Support to Conflict Affected Communities in south Syria – UNICEF
- Prepositioning for Aleppo new arrived IDPs – THF
- Enhancing resilience of conflict-affected communities in Syria while providing immediate life-saving assistance to IDPs and increasing aid effectiveness through improved humanitarian coordination and information management – ACTED
- Eliminating sources of leishmaniasis and water borne diseases in debris and rehabilitating/ setting up adequate and healthy sewage system. – UNOCHA
- Restoring sustained access to lifesaving water supplies for underserved communities in rural Hasaka – UNOCHA
- WASH Support for Recent Displacement – UNICEF.