The education program facilitates learning and acquiring knowledge, skills and values. Education can take place in formal or non-formal settings.
WATAN runs and supports schools in Syria and Turkey with the aim of contributing to the development of students’ knowledge, personality and trust, and helps identify, develop and support unique talents and abilities.
The Education program mentors students through high school until they graduate university, by providing many supporting activities such as student seminars, and by sharing ways to achieve scholarship opportunities. Workshops have been established to promote cohesion between Syrian and Turkish students, to discuss their common causes, as well as the challenges of integrating into the Turkish university environment
To provide access to inclusive and quality education for children and youth affected by crisis in a protective and safe environment with special attention to their well-being. The Program is based on customized interventions that include the pillars of children/youth development: personality formation, accumulation of knowledge and values and empowerment at all levels. Psychological, social, cognitive and professional needs are considered to produce the entrepreneurs, the scholars, the leaders of the future.
The Education program in WATAN provides quality and equitable education services to IDP and host children, pupils and youth in crisis-affected areas through multi-component interventions.
- Early Childhood Development: Provision of integrated ECD services to caregivers and children in a secure nurturing care environment at schools and other communities’ facilities through different adapted models to address the developmental needs of 0-8 years children and enhance school readiness for 3-5 years children.
- Formal Education: Operation of schools that provide formal education for primary, intermediate and secondary stages pupils in different social contexts, besides the provision of school operational expenses, school equipment and educational materials, pupils’ educational kits and school facilities rehabilitation.
- Informal Education: Operation of schools that provide non-formal education according to children’s needs (remedial classes, Accelerated Learning Programs (ALP), catch-up classes, literacy and numeracy classes and Self-Learning Programs (SLP) at schools and other communities’ facilities alongside with provision of curriculum textbook and related activity materials.
- Higher Education: Providing Syrian refugee youth and high school graduates with scholarships and language courses to continue their education at the university level and increase their chances to be integrated into the Syrian and Turkish labor markets.
- Capacities and Life Skills Building: building the technical and professional capacities of educational staff and empowering youth through the provision of extracurricular activities- including clubs, athletic and social activities that support integrating internally displaced persons and refugees with the host communities.
The education program started at the beginning of 2012 as an urgent need for Syrian refugees and IDPs in Turkey and Syria by providing more than 800 Syrian children in Syria and 100 Syrian refugee children in Turkey with formal education, catch-up classes and psychosocial support. Later, WATAN started its activities in Lebanon – Akkar, where WATAN provided 350 Syrian children with formal education. In Tripoli, 200 Syrian refugees were provided with PSS activities at the psychodrama center. In Syria – Homs, WATAN provided 750 Syrian children with formal education.
Through the period between 2015-2022, the education sector expanded horizontally and vertically according to Syrian children’s needs in Turkey and Syria. Geographically WATAN education projects reached many IDPs and Host locations in Idleb, Aleppo besides different Turkish governorates. Through different service packages and a wide spectrum of educational services including formal and Informal education, early childhood development programs, summer programs, Recreational activities, voluntary campaigns, scholarships and Psychosocial support, WATAN education sector beneficiaries exceeded 51562 (49535 children, 95 youth, 1932 teachers and educational staff).
WATAN Education program philosophy originated from the deep focus on the education process’s core components:
- Teacher
- Pupil
- Educational Environment
So, WATAN education designed interventions mainly focused on the needs of these components and the best provided services that empower them to achieve the main goal of education which is achieving communities’ prosperity. WATAN’s goals are to rebuild Syrian society by developing the educational landscape, from accommodating friendly learning spaces and preparing professional and trained teachers for education, inspiration, learning and change. Hence, enhancing Syrian children to achieve their potential and rebuild their community.
- Emergency Response: Ability to respond quickly and effectively, especially in places with a high influx of IDPs and providing hard-to-reach areas with stationery and essential needs.
- Psychosocial Support: Pay special attention to students’ psychological status through activities and programs with students and their parents in coordination and cooperation with the protection sector in WATAN.
- Well-trained highly experienced staff to provide a high quality of education.
- Develop and sponsor the talented, leaders and interpore.
- School safety: safety measures are given high importance in our schools. Evacuation plans and drills are provided in all our schools.
- Quality inclusive education: We are thriving to provide high quality inclusive education.
- Voluntarism: Pay special attention to voluntary work and encourage students/ teachers / key community members to participate in voluntary activities and ensure that youth are involved in the challenges facing society such as school dropouts, early marriage and disease epidemics.
WATAN Education program works strategically to achieve these objectives:
- Improve the quality and equity of education in the targeted communities.
- Increase the enrolment Of IDP and host pupils at schools and decrease pupils’ dropping out of schools.
- Secure a safe and stimulating learning environment for all pupils.
- Build the technical and professional capacities of schools’ staff to ensure high quality of delivered education services.
- Raise pupils’ resilience through enhancing psychological support services.
- Provide children with a normal childhood and a nurturing care environment that enforces their cognitive, socio-emotional, and lingual development.

Distinguished by a strong network of partners.

A deep understanding of the society and its circumstances.

Provide psychological support for students through specialists.

Training all school staff to ensure high quality education.

Provide summer programs and life skills activities.
- 2013-2016 / Zakat Foundation / Operate Qah School / The Main goal is to educate Syrian girls and boys inside Syria to complete their formal education within a safe physical and psychological environment / Syria – Idleb-Harim-Dana-Qah village / 850 pupils – 33 teachers / 410000 $
- 2016 / Namaa Foundation / Educate Syrian Children / The Main goal is to educate Syrian girls and boys inside Syria and Turkey to complete their formal education within a safe physical and psychological environment / Syria – Aleppo -Dart Tazaa / 7000 pupils -240 teachers / 250000 $
- 2017-2020 / Human Appeal Australia / Operate Qah School / The Main goal is to educate Syrian girls and boys inside Syria to complete their formal education within a safe physical and psychological environment / Syria-Idleb-Harim-Dana-Qah village 979 pupils -40 teachers / 155,525.00 $
- 2017 / Namaa Foundation / Educate Syrian Children / The Main goal is to educate Syrian girls and boys inside Syria and Turkey to complete their formal education within a safe physical and psychological environment / 1 school in Turkey-Hatay- Reyhanli + 7 schools in SyriaI-dleb-Harim-Dana / 6099 pupils – 279 teachers / 718,793.00 $
- 2018 / Namaa Foundation / Educate Syrian Children / The Main goal is to educate Syrian girls and boys inside Syria and Turkey to complete their formal education within a safe physical and psychological environment / 1 school in Turkey – Hatay- Reyhanli + 7 schools in SyriaI-dleb- Harim-Dana / 6099 pupils + 279 teacher/ 718,793.00 $
- 2018, HPF 2, Improving access to non-formal education in Idleb camps, To provide quality education for children in crisis affected areas and to improve the educational environment, Idleb-Harim Dana-Camps area , 307,235.00 $
- 2017, HPF 1, Operate 3 Schools in North of Syria, to educate girls and boys in crisis affected areas who aren’t in schools or not attending on a regular basis, and to build the capacities for teaching and management staff in order to improve the educational environment in the schools, Syria-Aleppo-Azaz Syria-Idleb-Maaret Alnuman, 1300 pupils & 55 teachers, 554,200.50 $
- 2018, WAMY, Provide financial scholarships for university students in Turkey and Syria, facilitate access to higher education for post-secondary students in Turkey, Turkey – Gaziantep, 55 university student, 115,000.00 S
- 2018, HOPES-EU, Qualifying Syrian Youth to Enter Higher Education , to support 40 Syrian young men and women (20 males and 20 females) in improving their key and transversal competencies in the languages and IT field, Turkey – Gaziantep, 59,983.88 €
- 2018, FCA, Capacity Reinforcement for Education Staff in Idleb Camp Schools (CRES), Capacity Reinforcement for Education Staff in Idleb Camp Schools, Idleb camps, 248 teachers, 94,868.00 $
- 2019, WAMY, Provide education for IDPs students in Alsalam and Almeedan schools in Idleb’s camps, To provide quality education for children in crisis affected areas and to improve the educational environment., Idleb-Harim-Dana-Qah Alsalam and Almeedan Camps, 406 pupils & 32 teachers, 176,780.59 $
- 2019, Work Share , Provide education for the students in Afes city school , Increase safe and equitable access to formal education for crisis affected children and youth (aged 5-17 years, Syria-Idleb-Afes village, 443 pupils & 30 teachers, 40072 GPB
- 2019, ECW, Provide access to quality formal and non-formal education services in Idleb Governorate, This project is being implemented in coordination with UNICEF and Saed Charity Organization to contribute to reducing the percentage of children unable to reach learning in Idleb and provide educational services for children., Syria-Idleb-Dana & Al Ma’ra, 2471 pupils, 1,975,000 $
- 2019, NAMA Foundation, Education for Refugees and Displaced, Children have increased access to quality education in a safe and protective environment., Syria – Idleb-Harim / Turkey – Hatay – Reyhanli, 6352 pupils & 282 teachers, 630033.16 €
- 2019, HF / Takaful Alsham, Provide access to quality formal education services in Idleb, Improving the quality and relevance of formal education, Syria-Idleb-Harim-Qah & Idleb-Kityan, 1475 pupils & 81 teachers, 116,325.00 $
- 2019, ICQE, Supporting Al-Oruba school, Children have increased access to quality education in a safe and protective environment., Syria – Aleppo-Afrin, 500 pupils, 64,735.00 $
- 2019, IRC, Ahlan Simsim, Develop & implement cost-effective, scalable, and adaptable models that improve cognitive & social-emotional skills of young children in conflict settings , Syria -Idleb-Harim-Alkaramah Camps, Syria-Aleppo-Azzaz-WATAN health center, Syria-Aleppo-Kafar Janneh health center, 1469 Caregivers & 1580 Children & 20 ECD facilitators, 203,391.00 $
- 2020, International Mercy Society, With Education We Care About Them, Providing formal and informal education to students,Syria-Aleppo-Afrin,600 pupils, 10000 K.D
- 2020, IRC, Ahlan Simsim, Develop & implement cost effective, scalable, and adaptable models that improve cognitive & social-emotional skills of young children in conflict settings , Syria -Idleb-Harim-Qah and Talalkaramah camps & Syria-Aleppo-Azzaz WATAN health center, 4559 Caregivers & 1518 Children & 24 ECD facilitators, 92,367.00 $
- 2020, Takaful Alsham-UNICEF, Provide access to quality formal and non-formal education services in Idleb Governorate, Provide access to quality formal and non-formal education services in Idleb Governorate and Camps, Idleb-Harim and Idleb districts , 6448 pupils
- 2020, Takaful Alsham-UNICEF, Provide access to quality formal and non-formal education services in Idleb Governorate, Provide access to quality formal and non-formal education services in Idleb Governorate and Camps, Idleb-Harim-Dana-8 schools in Camps araea, 2345 pupils & 124 teachers
- 2021, WATAN, Eraiba school, Providing Access to Formal Education in Idlib) Eraiba camp, Syria- Idleb -Harim-Eraiba camp, 225 pupils & 15 teachers, 12,685.00 $
- 2021, IRC, Ahlan Simsim, Develop & implement cost-effective, scalable, and adaptable models that improve cognitive & social-emotional skills of young children in conflict settings , Syria -Idleb-Harim-Dana- 3 ECD centers , 4169 Caregivers & 1816 Children & 15 ECD facilitators, 200,000.00 $
- 2022, WATAN, Eraiba school, Providing Access to Formal Education in Idlib Eraiba camp, Syria- Idleb -Harim-Eraiba camp, 225 pupils & 15 teachers, 7,020.00 $
- 2022, IRC, Ahlan Simsim, Develop & implement cost-effective, scalable, and adaptable models that improve cognitive & social-emotional skills of young children in conflict settings , Syria -Idleb-Harim-Dana-Dana Town-Halab Labiah and Mashhad Rooheen Camps, 3630 Caregivers 804 Children & 120 ECD facilitators , 175,000.00 $